iTalk Global Communications Inc (iTalk)曾經是魅力中國在北美的總代理商,在代理期間,私下套取魅力中國的商業模式,推出iTalkTV。已經違背了合作的誠信基本原則,單方面先行毀約。 魅力中國為保護公司和所有用戶的利益,將保留通過法律手段追訴一起損失的權利。通過法律的途徑尋求公平,公正的商業競爭。
iTalk 從2012年1月1日起,已經正式宣佈停止推銷魅力中國的中文電視服務。反之,積極行銷旗下的iTalkTV。 魅力中國有權利維護自己的利益, 減少自身的損失。
所有收看魅力中國電視服務的客人都是直接和魅力中國簽約。iTalk只是經銷商,代為魅力中國收費。 魅力中國的設備(機頂盒,零配件等)和電視節目服務都由魅力中國提供。
作為代收費的iTalk多次延遲付款給魅力中國。到目前為止, 魅力中國仍未收到3月份的服務費。 魅力中國有多達1萬多臺的庫存滯留在iTalk, 魅力中國用戶退到iTalk的機頂盒設備,iTalk 也不還回魅力中國。 魅力中國多次向iTalk要求魅力中國的機頂盒設備。 但是iTalk置之不理。 iTalk從未向魅力中國支付過設備費用,沒有理由不還回屬於魅力中國的財產,造成魅力中國的損失。
如果魅力中國的客人有被 iTalk 收取当月月費和機頂盒押金,請維護您的正當權利。 魅力中国一贯以诚信为本,诚信的对待客户,为魅力中国的客户提供长时间高质量的服务,我们还将一如既往的为客户提供优质服务。作為一個正常的IPTV運營商,我們對我們的產品和服務有充足的信心。 歡迎魅力中國的忠實用戶直接和魅力中國馬上續約,不僅可以馬上享受一個月的免費中文電視,而且您可以保證 2 年的合約,每月只需月費 $5.99 。
Danny Chiang
1-888-800-7808 1-888-330-3154
Below is in English
Charming China has not received any document from iTalk regarding its lawsuit against Charming China. Charming China will not comment on the merit of the lawsuit at this time.
But, one thing is for certain. Just because iTalk rushed to file a lawsuit first does not mean it is right. In fact, Charming China has not received payment from iTalk for the fees that it has already collected from Charming China's subscriber for the month of March 2012. Besides, pursuant to the agreement signed by the parties, iTalk is required to submit “any dispute” to a binding arbitration in Hong Kong. Therefore, it appears iTalk has violated the very agreement that it has drafted and signed.
Ultimately, it is clear what iTalk is trying to do. iTalk wants Charming China's IPTV subscribers to become iTalkTV's IPTV subscribers. To be sure, Charming China will not let this happen. Accordingly, Charming China will abide to the parties' agreement and submit our dispute to a binding arbitration in Hong Kong very soon. Thank you for your understanding.
Danny Chiang
General Counsel